About us
Producers of aromatic herbs for 7 years, we created Setor Terra aiming to produce verbena and melissa, in a productive area of 16ha close to Alqueva’s lake.
Sorrounded by the lake of Alqueva, area of oak forest and an environmental protective area, the Organic Production Mode is guaranteed by its sustainability and certified by Certis, with the European Certificate and Bio-Suisse.
Quality is guarenteed by a highly efficient drying system with low temperatures, making sure the original organoleptic characteristics of the plants are manteined.
The effort towards environmental sustainability is achieved by using solar energy for irrigation and heating the air for drying with a system of solar boxes.
We seek to internationalize our products, we believe that we have a brand with an appealing image, so we would like to make partnerships in the area of distribution and retail.
Our Products
We are located in Alentejo – Portugal, next to lake Alqueva and dedicated to the distribution of aromatic herbs.
Our products are designed to meet the needs of companies ranging from the herbal tea production industry to spices, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and food.
Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) is a perennial, cultivated or spontaneous plant in Portugal that can grow up to 80 cm in height and 50 cm in diameter. It was introduced long ago in Europe from West Asia.
With numerous medicinal properties, it is considered anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiviral, digestive, soothing and sedative, associated with the treatment of nervous problems, sleep disorders and gastrointestinal problems of nervous origin such as spasms, heart attacks and anorexia and also in the treatment of fevers and colds.
In the little known Portuguese herbal tradition, it is considered a kind of panacea, In fact, the properties of the plant are quite studied, the pharmaceutical industry being marketed with various preparations having no known side effects, toxicity or interactions.
Lemon Verbena
Lemon Verbena is comprised of elongated leaves, averaging 7 to 10 centimeters in length, that bear a lanceolate shape with a pointed, tapered non-stem end. The leaves grow in groupings of three around the stem and have a semi-rough, tough, and leathery texture.
The leaf’s surface is also green and glossy, featuring prominent veining. Lemon Verbena leaves are known for their robust and bright, lemon-like, floral, and spice-filled aroma when bruised, crushed, or disturbed. The leaves also contain a delicate and herbal sweetness mixed with a mild citrus flavor.
The secret for its rich flavor. Despite having a bright lemony note, it leaves the characteristic sourness from citrus fruits behind. It contains a fresh and pleasant fragrance that remains even after dried. Lastly, it is one of those plants that surely has relaxing powers.
Guaranteed Quality
international trade
satisfied customers
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Herdade da Vila Ruiva
Estrada Municipal 517, Apartado 41
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Domingos Jerónimo +351 965 611 941
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Tomás Firmo +351 969 649 120
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Alexandre Firmo +351 966 824 566
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Or +351 266 502 981
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